An oily omelet with crispy borders and freshly baked ghee rotis (bread) by my mom.
Challenging work with good directions, but nothing too heavy. I get overwhelmed by too much math.
Cold water splashing against my face on a sunny afternoon.
Learning something new.
Feeling valued. Genuine appreciation.
The spray of orange mist when I peel it.
The smell of lemon as I throw the used ones into the garbage disposal (When my better half is not looking. We disagree on where it should end up)
An extra hot shower followed by a cold spray just before it ends.
The smell of cologne. Fresh, yet tingly.
Floating in a pool watching a bikini walk by. My woman is aware of my proclivities and is amused by it.
Talking to a stranger. Unspooling what makes them tick, especially if they are interesting.
Talking over a meal with just one other person. I am not a fan of large group dinners where I end up withdrawing into a shell and staying there for the rest of the night.
Digging into subjects I like. Humans. Relationships. So unpredictable. So different every time. Who are you? Or better, who am I?
The smile on someone’s face as I give them something they think they need.
A new lane discovered in my town accidentally. It was always there, yet I never knew about it — Till now.
Thinking about my younger days especially my grandmother. Her simplicity. The sage advice delivered without any dramatic flair.
A starry night close to the ocean hearing the waves crash. The spray hitting up occasionally.
A rainy night snuggled in bed with a book. Thunder outside while my feet touch another set of feet adjacent to me, searching under the covers.
A genuine and big hug from someone. It makes almost everything so much better.
Sitting on a meditation cushion watching the thoughts unspool in my head. This feeling that everything around me is expanding as I merge into it and it merges into me.
A good cold pillow late into the night.
Getting alone into bed. Cool, clean sheets.
Spread out taking as much space as I need without any consideration.
Rain splashing outside my window.
A good night of deep sleep where I am slightly aware of my dreams.